
about earth :

A visualization of global weather conditions, forecast by supercomputers, updated every three hours, ocean surface current estimates, updated every day.

Earth Nullschool

See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.

earthREADME.md at master · cambeccearth

earth is a project to visualize global weather conditions. A customized instance of earth is available at http://earth.nullschool.net.


earth is a project to visualize global weather conditions. A customized instance of earth is available at http://earth.nullschool.net. earth is a ...


earth is a project to visualize global weather conditions. A customized instance of earth is available at http://earth.nullschool.net. earth is a ...

running earth.nullschool.net with Azimuthal Equidistant view

Earth with a satisfyingly flat Azimuthal Equidistant projection. AE presents a clear and obvious explanation for world-wide weather patterns.


earth-nullscholl-scraper A simple project to scrape wind and temperature data from https://earth.nullschool.net.

nullschool-earthREADME.md at master

earth is a project to visualize global weather conditions. A customized instance of earth is available at http://earth.nullschool.net.


earth is a project to visualize global weather conditions. A customized instance of earth is available at http://earth.nullschool.net. Issues 95 · README.md · Package.json · Pull requests 4

Nullschool Technologies Inc.

Nullschool Technologies Inc. helps people understand Earth science through the visualization of weather and climate data. Our website, earth.nullschool.net, ...

